Media Tracking Assignment

Over the past 48 hours, I have recorded all the media that I use whether it’s a lot or a little. The media I recorded consists of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Gmail, Orgsync, Youtube, TV, Texting, Phone Calls, and Music (Pandora/8tracks). This was shocking to me because these things have become such a part of my daily routine that I don’t even realize how much I actually use them. I have Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Gmail, Orgsync, and Youtube, bookmarked on my sidebar and I have to check them all the first time I go on my laptop for the day and the last time for the day before bed. These kinds of routines I didn’t even realize I did until I had to do this assignment.


I used music the most. I spent about 9 hours altogether listening to music in one way or another over the past 48 hours. I use iTunes, Pandora, 8tracks, and in dance rehearsals I have to listen to music obviously.


I used phone calls the least. My mom called me quick to ask me a question yesterday and the conversation was no longer than 5 minutes.


There was a significant amount of time communicating with other people over media. I realized that I used texting, phone calls, Facebook, Gmail, and even Twitter to communicate with others. Aside from phone calls, I realize that I use each of these media’s a significant amount in communicating with people in my life too, it’s not just here and there.


Because I listen to music when I do homework and watch TV when I go to bed, there was also a significant amount of time (probably 11 hours) that I spent using monologic media. I usually use Pandora Radio or 8tracks on the Internet to stream music that is meant to fit the mood I’m in or the artist I want to listen to. Also, I’m a dancer and I’ve had 4 rehearsals the past 48 hours, which the majority of the time is spent dancing to the selected music. For TV, I always have it on when I go to bed at night. I usually watch a half hour of TV, and then I leave it on in the background for a half hour while I try to fall asleep.


I really was shocked by the amount that I use media. Actually, not even how much I particularly use media, but just how mainstream and everyday media has become to be. Half the things that are media that I use I don’t even really consider media anymore because its so routine now, so it was really eye-opening to see how much media I actually use on a daily basis.

I am definitely going to try to decrease my everyday use of media by at least a little. I don’t want to be part of the statistic or norm that this generation is so media obsessed and is losing all interpersonal skills. I am going to try to do this by texting and using Facebook less. Those are 2 things that I feel it is reasonable to cut down on. Although it is technically the easiest form of communication, especially because everyone is so busy and on the go, it would still benefit me to try to have more one-on-one conversation and take my eyes off my phone and computer screen.


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