Spectatorship and Power Relationships in Advertising


In the first advertisement I had to choose with only one person, I chose an ad for milk that includes famous model and actress Heidi Klum who appears to be on the set of a fashion show, movie, or awards show of some sort because there are several bright lights in the background and she is clearly being prepared for something since she is in a fancy dress and getting herself done up by her people. She is sitting in a make up chair while 8 different hands are touching up her make up, combing her hair, putting in hairspray, about to attach a clip-on microphone to her dress, and most importantly for this ad, holding out a glass of milk in front of her. Heidi Klum is clearly aware that she is the object of the photo in this advertisement. I know this because even though she is clearly in the middle of a very high energy and high pressure setting with multiple people surrounding her doing all sorts of different things, she is staring not at them or the lights or anything else around her, but staring dead-eye into the camera with a little smirk on her face with the classic milk mustache for all of the “Got Milk?” promotional ads or commercials. She has a look of compete content on her face, which seems to come from drinking the milk that is in the glass in front of her. This ad also seems to pair the milk as the fuel for all of her success and as soon as she drinks it shell be sent off to do what she does so well.



The advertisement I chose that had two people is an ad for Gucci perfume. The characters appear to be two young adults in their mid 20’s in a setting of sexual intercourse. This ad is clearly about how the perfume will make men fall all over you, so they cleverly made the tag line “Gucci Guilty.” It flows, it’s catchy, and it follows the theme of womanly seduction. In the photo, the male seems to be completely tranquilized and mesmerized by the female because his eyes are closed, as he smells her neck. The woman, on the other hand, is looking directly into the camera with a look of stance and power. Her look says “I am sexy and beautiful and this man will follow me around like a puppy dog trying to win me over”…or at least that’s what I think. I also know that she holds the power because of the positioning of their bodies. They positioned her so that she is above him with eyes wide open and a look of seduction, while the man is positioned below her with his head in her neck slowly becoming more and more attracted to her. It makes sense since it is a women’s fragrance that she should be in power, so in addition they put the bottle of perfume on her side so it again gives her the upper hand. 

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